Handheld Order Tablets

About 'At-Table' Ordering
Reduce staffing costs while speeding up service by using a handheld tablet device to take the customer's order.
A paper-free way to take orders using revolutionary software designed specifically for the hospitality and catering industries.
Wireless tablet ordering allows you to extend the reach of your business by offering mobile point of sale - either at the table, or for queue-busting.
Can run on any modern Android or Apple tablet device.
Orders are processed in real-time as they are entered, speeding up service times and decreasing the risk of mistakes being made.
This allows you to print to a kitchen or bar printer, store a tab and even print the customer's bill ready for payment.
You want to be able to seat as many customers during each meal service as you can. Using handheld tablets allows you to keep your staff on the restaurant floor for longer, rather than taking hand-written notes to the bar and kitchen. This can make customers feel more valued, increase interaction between customers and staff, and increase overall satisfaction and efficiency.
Because the wireless table ordering system is fully integrated with the EPOS system there is no need for double entry.
Process orders at the table • Speed up service times • Prompt for cooking instructions • Hand write messages to the kitchen • Correct any mistakes • View the full table bill • Use as an up-selling tool • Print customer bills on demand